Gourmet Dinner Party

I should have taken more photos since this was just one table of food. The hors-d'œuvres table was delicious. Everything was home made over the course of many days. I probably will miss some things, but... large shrimp, a cheese spread, chopped liver, chips and dip, assorted other stuff (these are the things I ate most so I remember). I am not sure what my favorite dinner meal flavor was... the usual meats that I eat little of (brisket, ham, etc) and a wonderful salad with dressings, linguine and tomato pie (delifinitely near the top, tomatoes, sauted onion that tasted carmelized, scrumptious spices, cheese, home-made pie crust and bread crumbs on top. Amazing. There was more. Asparagus, Cream cheese cranberry dressing (shaped like a pie), and more but those are the things I remember ost. Desserts... seriously decadent cakes, almond moosue, dark chocolate truffles, and even the cookies were amazing. The rich eat well. I had some of everything. Then more of what I remember.
